Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Puppies are almost 2 weeks old!

We can't believe that the babies will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. They are growing so fast! It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for Lilly to have them.

They are all doing very well and gaining weight every day. Half of them are opening their eyes and trying to walk. They are all starting to become very noisy and wanting to eat all of the time! Lilly is also doing very well. Jeff and Nikki will be happy to finally get some sleep next week!

Below are some photos we have taken in the past couple of days. Their "Two Week" photographs will be taken tomorrow and posted to the website on Saturday. Thanks for all of the wonderful emails we have been receiving!

I realized I waited too long to take a photo of a baby in a basket! I am going to have to go buy a bigger basket!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Week One photos are now posted!

The babies "Week One" photos are now posted! You can check them out on the Ethan x Lilly Litter page.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Everyone is doing well!

The babies are doing really well and gaining weight every day. They have had their tails and dew claws done. We can't believe they are almost one week old! Lilly is being a wonderful mother and continues to eat well. Below are some pictures from the past few days. We will post the "One Week" pictures on Saturday!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Here are the pictures everyone has been waiting for. Sorry it has taken so long to get things posted, but exhaustion and caring for the pups has been top priority. We have 8 healthy babies, 6 boys and 2 girls. They all are gaining weight and are active. Lilly is once again a wonderful mom making our jobs as easy as possible with 8!!!! We have been taking shifts monitoring the pups and as you can see from one of the pictures Nikki has set up shop in the whelping box with Lilly. You can see their first close ups under Litters-Ethan X Lilly-Newborn photos. We will try to post pictures regularly as the babies are already beautiful!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Lilly's temperature took a dip this afternoon, so we think that labor is imminent. She appears to be really stressed and her tail has the typical banana hook going on when she was in labor with Keely. As you can tell from the picture, she is getting quite stressed. The look in her eyes tells her whole story. They will be beaming though, after she has her pups. We are very excited, but this has to be the most agonizing part as we are impatient and hate the waiting. But, all good things are worth waiting for and these babies will certainly be that. We will post more news, hopefully shortly. It may be a very long night.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

We are counting down the Days!!

DAY 58
Lilly is doing great, but she is starting to get really uncomfortable. She has about 1/4 the energy she usually does. Her time is now consumed by napping, laying on the couch long ways and just staring at us, or preparing a nest in the corner of each and every room! We believe that she remembers the whelping box as she is going and laying in it more and more often. She doesn't know what is in store for her going from one pup last time to 7 this time around. She is a great sport and her tail is always wagging!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Our vet felt pretty confident she saw 7 skulls on the X-RAY today! This isn't the whole film, but it is the area you can see the largest group of pups. They are so close together and twisted in there it is hard for anyone to say for sure what the number is, but we think we can count at least 7 skulls. We wouldn't be surprised if 8 or 9 show up! We find this X-RAY fascinating, hope you do too.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 55!!!

DAY 55
Here is a picture of DAY 55 so you can compare Lilly's growth to previous photos. Thanks to all who voted on the poll so far. We have had a great time with it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

DAY 53
Lilly is still in great spirits. We have started to feel the puppies moving in her belly. She will visit the vet on Friday for an X-ray. We are very excited to meet our new babies and help them get a great start in life. Only another week or so. Happy New Year!